Choosing the correct head protection begins with understanding the hazards of the job. Head protection, be it a helmet, a hard hat or a balaclava is essential in many industries. Some head protection is designed to protect against impact, whilst another is designed to incorporate protection for the eyes, nose and mouth. CHARNAUD® manufactures and supplies a vast range of PPE/C, including specialised head protection for use in the electrical and fire-fighting industries to name a few.

Matching Head Protection to the Hazard

Whatever head protection personnel may require, the one vital thing to remember is to select the correct type and level of protection for the hazard. It is advisable to know and understand the risks of a job before selecting head protection – what suits one type of work does not necessarily suit another. Someone who works in an iron foundry requires a helmet to protect against molten metal splash, however the level of protection thats required will differ to someone who works with a different kind of molten metal. Head protection is not interchangeable and that is why it’s so vitally important to know the risks of the job and what is needed to keep personnel safe from harm. There are a number of factors to consider when selecting the right kind of head protection or helmet; for instance, what kind of hazards does one face – is it radiant heat or fire? Open flames or arc-flash? Perhaps it is falling objects or airborne debris and harmful particulates? By determining the type of hazard, the level of severity and the period of potential exposure, one can better decide which kind of head protection is best for the job.

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Helmet Types and Classes

Helmets are classified by the level and type of protection they offer. Some helmets are designed to protect against impact. Impact helmets are classified into 2 types: Type I and Type II. Type I offers protection against impact to the top of the head while Type II protects the head against impact from both the top and side.

Electrical workers who are exposed to the risks of electrical arcs also require suitable head protection. Helmets are classified into 3 classes: Class C, Class E and Class G. Class C and Class G helmets are used by electrical workers; however they are not rated for protection for working with live electrical installations and don’t offer any arc-flash protection. A Class G helmet is tested to 2200 volts and offers protection for working on low voltage conductors. Class E helmets are designed for working with high voltage conductors and are tested up to 20,000 volts. These helmets are identifiable by their embossed marking ‘Class E’ on the helmet’s inside.

Get in Touch with CHARNAUD® Today

Head protection and helmets are just one vital component in the PPE/C arsenal. There are different kinds of helmets available which offer different types and levels of protection. As globally renowned PPE/C suppliers and manufactures CHARNAUD® offers a wide range of specialised PPE/C, including head protection for multiple industries. Reach out to CHARNAUD® to know more about their products.

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