To properly protect workers against the risks of electrical arc flashes and other extreme conditions, your company should refer to the CHARNAUD safety checklist in order to ensure all of the appropriate PPE is being used.

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Arc Flash Safety Checklist

The CHARNAUD blog posts are a fantastic place to learn more about PPE and workplace safety, but this particular checklist will deal with staying safe when at risk of arc flashes and other electrical dangers.

Arc Flash Safety Checklist: Head

The only place to start with an arc flash safety checklist is the head. When working in environments where arc flashes are a danger, your face shield should be down, and you should be wearing your balaclava. Face shields should be replaced every two years if they are green and every five years if they are grey, so always check the date of manufacture on the hood.

Read Next: Understanding the Risks of Poor PPE Compliance

Arc Flash Safety Checklist: Hands

You must be wearing gloves as the next part of the arc flash safety checklist. There should be no skin visible between your gloves and the end of your shirt sleeves and the gloves must be properly arc rated.

Arc Flash Safety Checklist: Torso

If you are not wearing an arc rated long sleeve shirt, then the alternative on your arc flash safety checklist could be a conti-jacket or lab coat. Ensure all of your arms and neck are covered, and all fastenings are properly done up.

Arc Flash Safety Checklist: Legs and Feet

Do not have any skin exposed, as one of the common injuries caused by arc flashes is external burning to the flesh. Therefore, as part of your arc flash safety checklist, have Arc Rated trousers that cover your leg all the way down to your boot and have all zips fastened. Your boots should have an appropriate level of electrical PPE.

Use CHARNAUD PPE to Protect Against Arc Flash Risks

Contact CHARNAUD to discover and order the correct PPE for protection against electrical risks and other dangers.

Now Read: 5 Tips for Effective Glove & Mask Use